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Like So Many Others

I'm sitting on the edge of the universe

Dipping my toes into the cosmos

Feeling the warmth radiate upward

All of these souls in this universe

And they can't see how lucky we are.

Free your mind from thought

Get lost in this moment

Find your free will 

And walk a path 

That branches off

In the direction of happiness

Feel the light envelop your very soul

Breathe in the stardust and dark matter

Find your place in this infinite expansion

Be here, now. Let the mystery remain

Surrender to this moment

And be happy, without reason.


◄ Set Your Soul On Fire.

Nothing Else Matters ►


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Fri 5th Jan 2024 09:41

A celestial write indeed. Beautifully used Metaphors and similies 👍

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Tue 24th Oct 2023 23:38

This is lovely, Eric. An expansive, calming poem.

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