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Introspective or Social

It just feels like 


I am so small 

My size doesn't help 

I barely have a voice 

Nobody hears me 

Because my words are of no value 

Or maybe I talk too much 

But I can't help it 

When I'm happy 

And my social battery is charged 

I get loud

Which I much prefer 

Over my quiet, introspective self 

The one that hides in his shell 

Afraid of letting the world down 

Afraid to be reliable 

Because what if I fail 

But I've got so much heart 

So much spirit 

So much will to fight 

Until I become self aware

And shut down down 

Back into the shell I go.


◄ All things must come to an end

Feeling. ►


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Fri 5th Jan 2024 09:35

Don't keep yourself in darkness... Shine, shine shine. 💖

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