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Tomatoes 2020

It’s been a bumper year

for plants bought from

or donated by neighbours

we met at the Thursday night

clap for health workers.


Re-potting, tying, staking,

feeding; rewarded by

a glut of all shapes and sizes

basking in shafts of sunlight

thrown down our sideway.


The enrichment of salads,

casseroles, stews. But is it

ever worth all that effort,

when you can buy them

so cheaply at the supermarket?


Yes. In this year of all

years, the repayment

of hope, care, faith.

Time to bring the last ones in.

A thousand times. Yes.




◄ The hoary and the gory

Fine and Dandy ►


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trevor homer

Tue 29th Sep 2020 15:25

Gardening - probably the most satisfying and rewarding of occupations. Thanks

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John F Keane

Tue 29th Sep 2020 10:20

It isn't the eating so much as the growing.

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Greg Freeman

Tue 29th Sep 2020 10:13

Sorry to hear about your iffy harvest, John. Tbh, I'm not sure that ours rated tops for flavour - that's why a lot of them ended up in stews! Thanks for the Like, Jordyn.

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John Coopey

Tue 29th Sep 2020 09:13

Mine were a curate’s egg of a crop. Bumper sets, good size. But latterly scabby and nondescript flavour (Moneymaker). Next year it’s Tesco’s for me.

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Greg Freeman

Mon 28th Sep 2020 20:47

Thank you, Paul, Binte, Graham, and Ray for your lovely comments - and congratulations on your similar bumper harvests! Cheers for the Likes, too, Stephen and Sarah.

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Mon 28th Sep 2020 19:29

Dead right there Greg. The need to grow has become a sort of fightback against lack of hope . You can't just suddenly feel that without some aids - pots, canes, water, sun, a bit of OCD put to good use. We were all over it, and the taste much superior to the alternatives under plastic.


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Graham Sherwood

Mon 28th Sep 2020 19:03

A truly bumper year this year as you say. We have ten plants and are now on our second batch of homemade ketchup. Can’t eat them quick enough.
There’s no comparison between home grown and shop. Home grown love you back!

Pasta sauce with next lot

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Binte Afroz

Mon 28th Sep 2020 17:32

Dedicated to tomatoes? I've planted them too, worth the effort.
Thanks for this beautiful poem.

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