Seven Little Girls...
Seven little girls went too deep
Into the forest where shadows creep.
They found a path, which was never there
And wandered down without a care
In a clearing they heard a song;
A haunting tune to sing-along
It got right in their flesh & bones
A lullaby of dulcet tones
Within their minds, there grew a cyst
Where danced the oldest, darkest witch
Who hummed this ancient tune of death
Procured straight from the Devil's breath.
As darkness came their limbs grew heavy
Their flesh turned into human slurry:
Into the soil - their mouths still singing
This endless song of no beginning.
Parents searched through brook & bramble
For seven girls who went to ramble
But, they say, no trace was ever found
'though the wind carried an eerie sound
It carried through the leaves & trees
Became a sickly, pungent breeze
Then fell to earth as sweet, black rain
On those below who searched in vain
If in the forest, so very deep
You find a clearing & fall asleep
Your ear to the soil may hear
Seven little voices, so very clear
Their song will rake into your mind
The grass shall to your body bind
And into the soil your flesh shall seep
Where seven little girls
wait Un-der-neath
Stephen Atkinson
Sun 4th Oct 2020 21:55
Ah yes, John! Picnic at hanging rock? That well may have been (unknowingly) the inspiration for this as I remember watching that as a young lad & finding it fascinating & eerie. Good spot! And thanks!