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His eyes were a bright shade of blue. 
Though they rarely were seen, 
As he often looked down on the floor. 

Avoiding eye contact, 
He found comfort in music
wherever he walked.
And if he was mocked,
He ignored every word and
would just carry on as before. 

Maths was his subject and straight A's were all he received. 
Now he is top of his game,
Former bullies  say, ' Hi' as they smile when they call out his name. 

He smiles back at them and 
peeps from behind tinted shades, 
As his blue eyes seek trust in the light of the days. 


◄ Welcome October

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Emer Ni Chorra

Mon 5th Oct 2020 17:51

Indeed.. Thank you Stephen?

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Stephen Atkinson

Mon 5th Oct 2020 17:09

Nice one Emer. Always room for a little tale of resilience in the face of adversity.

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