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I stepped outside and the sound of my feet made me nervous as I slowly walked along a neverending thick white floor.

The snow clung to my boots as if to find some warmth or maybe a hug.

Within minutes my hands were stiffened by the icy air that felt strong enough to slice through my stone cold fingers.

I should have wore gloves, I said to myself as I made 2 fists and buried them deep inside my coat pockets. At least I was wearing my bobble hat I thought to myself.

My ears will be thankful for that.

Not sure what happened next as I fell flat on my back and my heart raced faster than an Olympic sprinter. Damn this weather, I said as I got myself back on my feet.

I hate snow. I hate Winter. 

Thank God nobody was around to see me fall. Fuck this, I am heading back home.

Why did I move from the chair in the first place, Sure don't they deliver bread and milk around these parts?

Sit down, feet up. Log in, add to cart. 

December doesn't have to be so hard. 



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Emer Ni Chorra

Sat 5th Dec 2020 23:30

Oh great, Paul. I am delighted to hear that ?

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Emer Ni Chorra

Sat 5th Dec 2020 22:41

Aw thank you so much. I live in Dublin, Ireland. We like to complain about the terrible weather here. I hope you see the funny side to this piece of writing too. Many thanks for your kind words and wishes my friend. ☺️

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Ghazala lari

Sat 5th Dec 2020 22:37

I love snow and winters. But it seems hard to survive in such rough weather conditions.

May it be easy and warm for you this winter.?

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