Toothless Wonder
Most people my age
have no teeth at all
but in my case
I did
still they wanted to pull a bunch of them
because they said a man my age
should not be eating Barbeque and tacos
and enjoying food as much as I do
they wanted me on a soft diet
mostly jello and Gruel
so they pulled my teeth
(they like the word "extracted"
it sounds more important)
and so now I have huge holes
in my mouth which collect debris
like popcorn kernels and pieces of Pepperoni
that get caught up there in the attic of my mouth
I think I was better off with my old teeth
maybe they were infected but at least
I did not look like an old geezer when I smiled
and I used to smile a lot
but not anymore
Now I am just a toothless wonder
an old man who writes poetry
with no sense of decency
and no teeth.
Thu 22nd Oct 2020 13:03
I like that you made this real with "but not anymore". It broke the situation from witty humor - which was playful, clever, and entertaining, into a little slap-in-your-face reality. Something seemingly small changed the life and consequently the person on a core level.