Did who run, run?
Back in dinosaur times when I went to my local college
The scourge of all scholars was the phantom sweet snatcher
Vendors put up etchings by her victims distraught parents
Fear resounding in the corridors out into car-parks vista
Students hide there sweets in hollowed out books
Still she found her victims with her ‘smelldar’ device
All that remained after she struck was silver rapping’s
I think I have been reading to many mystery crime novels
There actually was this girl who always demanded sweets
Every class I was in’ she’d be there’ sniffing the air
Sure enough she ‘locked on’ to a scent like a trained hunting dog
Off she went with her prize; again, we stood no chance
That was it for this student; I was going to bring the phantom down!
The plot hatched to get the ultimate revenge on her, laxative chocolate
I bought some; scratched ‘lax’ off the top of each piece; broke it up
I did the same with a normal bar of chocolate; placed it into a paper bag
Next day I took it in, writer pauses for dramatic effect, and set the trap
Sitting down, I spotted her as she walked across the yard
My primed co-conspirators braced themselves, we were ready
Her hand was on the door handle; revenge was nigh; 3, 2, 1, “go, go, go “
As she came in I handed out the mixed chocolate to my mates
Immediately ‘her smelldar’ went into action and she headed for me
“Would you like some chocolate” I proffered, taking out the laxative
The bate was taken; “Mmmm”, she said,” tastes like market chocolate”
We hoped and prayed, “Was it the end of the phantom sweet snatcher?”
Two days later she came back in, looking quite pale and tired
At our next class she came in, I got out my bag of chocolate, offering
Hand clasped on her mouth, she ran screaming from the class
Cheers seemed to resonate around the college as I told my friends
Sweets seemed to appear from nowhere; sucking and slurping resonated
Mate told me he’d never had laxative chocolate; who was I to disappoint?
©Phil Golding March ‘08
clarissa mckone
Wed 12th Mar 2008 02:58
HI Phil, this is wonderful, I could see it all!