A Tower
A Tower
Could it be that all life begins
and ends beneath this trim white and red
candy tower, here as crash the endless ranks
of imperial ocean combers that curl,
hurling their foaming, darkling selves
over black tumbles of smashed basalt?
Is it enough to flash bright warning signs
at those that might stray, who may be drawn
to new ways of living; at unconvinced adventurers
taking deep breaths on the rim of the world?
Those that stumble, blinded by clods and beer
to the cliff's edge after a harlequin sunset, or
navigators, sliding sideways down an uproar
of seas shouting in frenzy, driven forward
to oblivion as the engine stops. Enough to say:
“Do the right thing. This will end in tears” ?
Best take care of those who choose
to live a life free from curbs and inhibitions;
who show without fanfare the paths beyond pain
and the byways that lead to wisdom. Smiling,
saying softly: “Take or leave it – the choice is yours.”
Chris Hubbard 2020
Chris Hubbard
Thu 12th Nov 2020 01:26
Thanks again to Jordyn, Shifa, Stephen and Stephen.