The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Chris Hubbard

Updated: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 04:13 am

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I am a native of North Lincolnshire, but have lived in Perth, Western Australia for the past 46 years. I retired two years ago, having been an academic since 2002 (field: International Relations, research field: nuclear policy). I hold three degrees, including a doctorate. I have published four academic books, and have dabbled in poetry for the past twenty years. I have not published any of my creative work prior to my discovery of WOL. I have never given a public reading of my work to an audience (although, of course, speaking to groups of people holds no terrors for me!). My general approach to my own poetry, as I think about an idea for a new poem, is to let the original concept work itself through - evolve, if you like - through whatever pathways it wants to. In this way, I am aware, as I begin, only of its vaguest of outlines. My great joy is to see it grow and develop almost, it often seems, of its own volition. Having said that, I usually have a rhyme scheme and basic structure in my head to start with. I also believe that poetry must be understood, first and foremost, in the reader's terms. Poetry should not be held up merely as an artifact of its creator, to be understood primarily by self-appointed 'experts'. Its magic is that, once published, it is in the care of others, whom I invite to read, understand and enjoy it on their own terms. I will be visiting the UK regularly from now on, based in Lincolnshire, and intend to participate in WOL as much as possible. Chris Hubbard


Celtic Memory We are the true Celts, and sombre lyric mystery is the searcher's unstoried reward for survival's battle, and the brutal play of the sword: the Romans feared us in ancient times, in Gaul Caesar's legions, bleeding freely, fled headlong; then Boudicca sang her warrior's rebel song. We fought the Roman Horde four hundred years and more, in sacrifice and blood and iron dealt, and taught versèd centurians of the savage Celt. We wrote no symbols telling seers of our fate, but our bones lie scattered still beneath your feet, be you Irish, Scottish or Galician Greek. We did not recoil from history's hoary trials, nor to filthy Hades caverns were we sent, and our pride, beliefs, our arts are with you yet; at Clusium we showed Rome our fearless passion when Brennus led us, winged and horned, into dire battle with fell Romans, so swift to die as lowing cattle. A golden age awaited, steeped in nature's sacred rule, told by singers, musicians, poets of the flashing knife, our gods the woodland spirits, their lore and life: all-knowing of seasons, of death and transformation, an unseen world of reincarnation. A redeemer saves, stands tall before us, joyful, his grey-blue eyes ablaze. We danced this earth for aeons, let our harps and lyres sing of legends, epic tales, vast caravans of time; bejewelled and painted, women wove their hearts in rhyme as druids taught their children of the ancient rules and ways. But no mystery remains to cloak and hide the Celtic race: a gilded mirror reflects the blue eyes in your own bright face. Christopher Hubbard 2016

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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<Deleted User> (18118)

Tue 2nd Jan 2018 16:53

Thank you so much for your comment on my poem.


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Chris Hubbard

Fri 20th Oct 2017 01:23

Hi Frances,

I'm home in WA at the moment, after seven months (whew!) away but I will be back in the UK early-ish in the New Year. The fact is that I have always hankered after a visit to Ireland, but never quite made it. This gives the perfect final "push" to do just that!

Many thanks,


Frances Macaulay Forde

Thu 19th Oct 2017 12:58

Hi Chris,
I don't know if you're at home in WA at the moment or visiting UK as you've said you will be doing both regularly.
So I wondered if you find yourself in Ireland or the Cliffs of Moher may I recommend you pop into a lovely little bookshop near there:
If you have time and she's in - introduce yourself to Jessie Lendennie who also runs Salmon Poetry:
She's mentioned she'd love to meet more WA poets and please give her my best regards. ?

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Chris Hubbard

Fri 24th Feb 2017 13:47

Hi Frances,

It's a small world when one can make contact within a city via an organisation on the other side of it!

Thanks for this information, which I will certainly follow up on. However, I'm off in a couple of weeks for a trip lasting six months, so my participation will be a little sparse at times. Luckily for me, my travels include plenty of time in the UK, so I plan to appear in open mics, etc. while I'm there.

Frances Macaulay Forde

Thu 23rd Feb 2017 08:23

HI Again Chris,
For my 50th birthday, I decided to give myself a degree in Creative Writing which I did at ECU. I was in the first intake of the new course and loved it.
Glen has been a mentor, now a valued friend and colleague, I'm know he'd be very pleased to 'catch up' with an ex student.
There's also the Fellowship of Australian Writers WA Branch in Cottesloe... not sure which suburb you live. Always good value and another place to read.
Voicebox is a good night and well organised, so I recommend them as a gentle introduction to reading to an audience.
Keep writing, I'll keep reading and best of luck with performance.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 21st Feb 2017 11:47

I have a moment this morning, so I've read your bio in detail. I like your attitude to writing poetry. My twin daughters are always saying: 'Mum, write for people just like us, who love your poems. Don't write for other poets.'

I got a 'smack' recently from one of my girls: 'You use too many big words! What the heck is a 'lacuna'. 'My reply: 'Look it up! No other word would do.'

But I really do make a huge effort to be simple. Not simple-minded, of course. But, hopefully, understood. I don't think clarity means 'writing down', just expressing myself as accurately as I possibly can, to convey an idea. There are always 'layers' of interpretation. I've never been good at just 'pure sound' in the abstract, but sound is a huge element in my choice of diction.

I'm gone.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 14th Jan 2017 16:31

Welcome to WOL. I look forward to reading more of your work. But I'm short on time today. Catch up with you again soon.

Terrific bio. I really want to absorb 'Celtic Memory'.

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