Hope In Their Hearts
In the lobby
you see them
with canes and walkers
some in wheelchairs
being pushed by a caregiver
a husband a wife
a son or daughter
helping them to a chair
lovingly supporting them
with sympathy and companionship
someone to talk to
to ease their suffering
slowly they take their seats
and wait for their appointments
all are the victims of Cancer
a steady stream on any given day
one after another trudging along
with weighted steps
with difficulty
such weariness in their eyes
all victims of this scourge
leaning on a cane
leaning on a family member
all putting their faith in a machine
they pray will make them whole again
they take a chair
they wait patiently to be called
so many with this dreaded disease
in a growing line of suffering
yet while there is pain in their faces
one thing sustains them
always there is the virtue of Hope
that glowing ember
man's eternal blessing
burning in their hearts.
<Deleted User> (13740)
Thu 12th Nov 2020 14:20