A Tribute to Decency
A Tribute to Decency
If it were not for this patch of land
This small part of God's vast creation
Amongst a desultory but decent people
I would be lying in some back street
Having been raped by a broken bottle
Or murdered and deposited in a field
Where the harvest had yet to be reaped
Or thrown from the highest building
I live, exist only by grace in a place of little space
But whose peope have anointed my soiled face
I live not in Chechnya, Uganda or Iran
Where my end would be violent and cursed
Places of no compassion bereft of progress
and full of bigotry
I have run the race of life to my resting place
Grateful to my compatriots for their forebearance
and tolerance
Who only fifty years ago persecuted and imprisoned me
Que sera, sera
keith jeffries
Fri 13th Nov 2020 23:33
Brian, thank you for reading and commenting.