The Mayor of Occidental
“It’s just a damn chicken,” we said
A rooster to be more specific
But she was fascinated by its’ coloring
as it scratched and strutted
in the autumn ground cover
as chickens will invariably do
She took the photo anyway
and told us the story of this honorable bird
“He’s the mayor of Occidental.
They vote for him every year.”
Overqualified, as the locals like to say
in our favorite tiny California town
Her painting, from the picture she took,
probably looks simple to most
but there is something more to it
when you look a little closer
as it hangs on the wall
Brush strokes applied
with an almost tangible joy
like the paint was happy to be there
The painting was never about
His Honor, the rooster, at all
It was about winter vacations
on the northern coast
Rain coming down sideways
and coffee by the fire
as the storm raged in from the sea
And telling that story
about the mayor with golden feathers
(Artwork by Elsa Inglis-McPeek)
John Coopey
Tue 17th Nov 2020 08:13
What a fabulous idea, Mike - a cock bird being elected mayor. Perhaps you’re onto something there. Maybe the opposite is true; perhaps democracy is just a sophisticated veneer that facilitates our cock birds to validate themselves.