Within the confines of my Cranium.
I feel that I am quite alone,
with the thoughts I am having.
Inside of the bone.
I am uncomfortable,
expressing my thoughts,
out, in the unknown.
For, fear, of being miss-understood.
Because of the emotions I have shown.
Anger, and control, issues dominate.
To these faults, I am prone.
I lose my "Cool" when,
I am out of my safety zone.
Another relationship, I, will have blown.
Just by giving me the chance to take the throne.
I will make you turn on me,
and I will be back on my own.
Just me, and my thoughts.
No explanation, or excuse, to be sown.
My only safety,
The confines of my Cranium,
Which I sometimes wonder.....
Is it solid bone???
By JD Bardo
keith jeffries
Sun 22nd Nov 2020 20:21
A masterpiece of self examination. Well crafted and rhymed to drive home the point. This is poetry from the heart and mind. It is clear and unambiguous which is to its overall merit.
Thank you for this