Meeting St. Peter
While my body slumbers.
My mind entertains itself while it waits.
I dreamt I was a car, in line, at the Pearly Gates.
And in the mist stands St. Peter,
Who says, my turn awaits.
St. Peter says, I am rusty and squeaky.
And ready for the scrap pile.
I say, no, I may be crumbled and leaky.
But I think I am a savable classic,
And should stay around for a while.
St. Peter asked, what do you have for the world to see?
What good can a rusty old heap be.
I said, St. Peter, just give me one more chance.
I can restore, myself, I can fix the rust.
And my apperance I can enhance.
I will be a fine classic for the world to see.
And when I shine, the world will stop and take a glance.
St. Peter said, let us see what you can be.
A classic you are, but not a car.
Wake now, sing and dance,
St. Peter has given you a second chance.
By JD Bardo
keith jeffries
Fri 27th Nov 2020 11:27
This poem is fun to read with a gentle humour. It is also original and has a deep underlying message. A poem to enjoy and ponder on.
Thank you for this