Destiny is not where life or time is taking you to,
Destiny is the place where you want to see yourself.
Destiny is not where others push you to be,
Destiny is where your heart feels satisfaction.
Not everyone born with a silver spoon,
Not everyone inherits fame,
Millions of people with their hard efforts and sturdy will power earn it.
Everyone born with a hidden talent and it’s only them who knows what they have inbuild in them.
It is only you and you who can design your future.
And that is called DESTINY
Be someone who you want you to be
Write your own DESTINY your way.
And make the world learn a new
Definition of DESTINY!
Aviva Rifka Bhandari
Mon 30th Nov 2020 15:39
Hmm - If you have the power to reinvent the meaning of destiny then you have the power to invent a whole new word. It seems like you are really describing Dreams rather than Destiny, but you are so determined that they each should become the other... it made me think.. 'Determination is what changes dreams into destiny'