The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Updated: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 08:24 pm

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As for my life, my joys and sorrows, difficulties and hopes - my poetry remembers more than I do, and tells it more interestingly.

What sort of poet am I?

Poetry has been a good friend to me from childhood and though at first it was a shy and uncertain friendship over time we became close and I could tell my poetry anything I wanted to say in any way I wanted to say it, and it was always there ready to listen and sometimes (whether it was re-reading my own poems or reading those of others) to offer me some very good advice, or at least, I thought so. I've written most of the usual themes, teenage angst, poems about poetry, exploration poems, imagination poems, relationship poems, hardship poems, parental poems, poems for children, crisis poems, recovery poems, hopeful poems etc. My style has varied but is more often lyrical free style, natural voice and simple to understand. Sometimes contemplative, sometimes playful, sometimes optimistic, sometimes therapeutic.


What I Write What I write needn't be important to the whole world It's alright if it only matters much to me If it keeps me safe or happy for a moment If it offers me a method of relief. But it's nice if other people get to find it So I'll try to make it possible to find It might even reach someone who'd enjoy it It might help for a moment in their life. Because we humans aren't really that much different Though its true we may not be very much the same We're all in this world together, that's important We're all struggling with the rules of the same game. Though be careful those who look to me for answers Just beware I don't know if I'm right or wrong I'm just muddling through my own mess in my own life I'm just trying to figure it out as I go along.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Pieces (19/01/2021)

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Nigel Astell

Mon 21st Mar 2022 01:18

Thanks for your likes Aviva
missing your poetry
keeping mine in a safe place
all ready to put on yours.

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Sat 2nd Oct 2021 00:19

I hope you're okay Aviva and that you'll be back soon. ?

<Deleted User> (13740)

Sat 24th Jul 2021 14:06

Thank you for your comments and encouragement xx

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keith jeffries

Sat 24th Jul 2021 11:49


Thank you for your two most recent comments on my poetry. They are most appreciated and a source of encouragement.



Mon 19th Jul 2021 02:24

what happened to you?


Fri 2nd Jul 2021 09:19

I don't have a "Profile" photo. ha. ha.
So draw a mustache Here:

( a box with a mustache )



Tue 15th Jun 2021 10:29

Thanks Aviva. We actually move on Thursday.
So i am able to respond. In fact I will send one more poem
tomorrow so you don't collapse or relapse!


Sun 13th Jun 2021 02:35

I am the Poster Child
for Posts!


Fri 4th Jun 2021 11:45

aw thanks
reader of my poems
I appreciate you
always reading them
no matter how painful
that may be
thanks for the Assist on
Unassisted Living.


Mon 31st May 2021 21:44

Awwww, thanks Aviva!
You're Sumpin too!

<Deleted User> (14241)

Fri 28th May 2021 05:00

Thanks for the praise!!


Sat 22nd May 2021 13:07

Excuse me pleasel, you were deceived
do Not make Sandwiches in trees,
for you may fall 'tween limbs and leaves
your memory forever grieved!

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Fri 21st May 2021 19:01

thanks ?


Thu 20th May 2021 15:43

like your response to Condensed Poem.
makes good rhyme
and sense!

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Ghazala lari

Wed 19th May 2021 13:46

I see no end to unbreakable cyclic routes that's been tread upon. A 360 degree run from the spot we begun. A loop without any loophole. Only an entrance without exit to a better land. Feel heaven in hell else it will be an intolerable stay. No way out. Stuck at dead ends.
Thanks for reading the poem.


Sat 15th May 2021 13:08

if you wish to post a comment
you must log in
if you wish to dig a post
you must have a shovel-
a log and a post
are similar
a post IS a log,
only more refined!


Mon 10th May 2021 03:51

have been gone for a few days. poetry.

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Ghazala lari

Thu 6th May 2021 11:59

Thank you for reading the poem. I'm glad you enjoyed it.?

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Ghazala lari

Wed 28th Apr 2021 07:16

Thank you for your comment. I'm glad you liked it.


Wed 28th Apr 2021 03:12

split down the middle. hahaha
you love puns don't you?



Mon 26th Apr 2021 12:48

is more real
me or
my shadow?


Mon 26th Apr 2021 00:59

I cast no shadow, I am a vampire.


Fri 23rd Apr 2021 01:52

are you afraid of your own shadow?

how do you exist in such a world?

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Nigel Astell

Fri 23rd Apr 2021 00:21

Thanks for your likes on
Restless Nights
She Devil
Poetic Shades
and of course
The Bolton Flasher.


Sun 18th Apr 2021 11:05

I like your point about airplanes only touching the ground twice.
Smart observation!


Fri 9th Apr 2021 04:07

small is better.
Long poems bore.


Sat 3rd Apr 2021 09:00

Ghost Raders YES,
most of my readers have passed away
preceded by reading my poems.


Fri 2nd Apr 2021 03:22

why are you still reading my stuff.
everyone else has learned their lesson.
you are the last surviving member
of my site.
a site for sore eyes!


Wed 31st Mar 2021 14:22

very clever!! ?


Fri 19th Mar 2021 01:51

Love your "add verse" reactions.

I've always been very "verse-a-tile"!


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