Spenserian Stanza
Spenserian Stanza: 9 lines, 3 rhymes in strict sequence - ababbcbcc, iambic pentameter - ,/,/,/,/,/, line 9 Alexandrine - ,/,/,/,/,/,/
Upon the Winds of Change
Upon the winds of change our courses flew
And us across the heaving seas did send.
It mattered not what dreams each would pursue
For Fate decreed what we could not portend:
That once again our raging hearts should blend
In Youth’s enduring spirit which does flow
Between us still, steel bond of lustful friend
Whose tortured knotting did our strengths bestow.
It did, and does, and will determine what we know.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Dave Carr
Wed 23rd Jun 2010 00:18
Line 9 Alexandrine - Yes As in my bible 'The Ode Less Travelled.' I like that Cynthia. As in Keats - The Eve of St Agnes. Perfect