It's not as though I refused to make amends
For the fault was mine, no intention to offend,
Said I regretted sincerely my sudden laughter,
And certainly I was out of line, and sorry after.
But can't you see how a casually innocent word,
said off the cuff, can cause a furore as you've never heard?
I could see she was wild with anger, her green eyes darting,
Though trying hard not to show it in our perfunctory parting.
“That's it,” I thought, “our friendship's torn to shreds:
“I just cannot believe I did that, nor the reaction she normally dreads”
My prediction being on the mark, I saw her again once only,
To tie loose ends, return of gifts etcetera. Intense and lonely.
O yes, I hurt her feelings, but that was long ago, so long
That I can hardly recall the time, but my guilt was still so strong
That after all the years, yet I could not admit my boorish behaviour.
My embarrassment lingered like some stubborn saviour,
Or perhaps a Doppelgänger (my memory haunted me so)
Like a companion wraith by my side wherever I'd go.
Then, on a whim I turned one day to my spectral friend and speculated:
“You know, we've been together all these many years,
Don't you think it's time to forget about tantrums and tears?”
I could see her eyes were misting, her features twisting,
As she quietly mouthed the words: “I forgive you.”
Chris Hubbard
Chris Hubbard
Sat 12th Dec 2020 23:45
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for your interest in this piece. Sometimes one's imagination looks and sounds authentic in verse.