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Free Will

The abstracted mind

Can't delineate

The Uniformalities

That begin to postulate

I Reckon

The dawn beckons 

Of early Morn'

Forget me not

forgive me so

Subjects  taught

to be divisive

Hunky Dorie

That's just fine

The obtrusiveness

Injected into our minds

To seize control


There is a flip side to this coin

What we fear comes from the outside

The mind of the controlled sees no other way

To take it on faith 

when we don't know who to trust

to make bank

or go bust

everything is subjective in this land

And everyone has an opinion at hand

When you listen to the noise

It becomes a part of you

intangling you in a web that is very hard to undo

releasing the mind and setting ourselfs free

Is often found when we have fallen to our knees

So many others have come before

And so there'll come a time when it's your turn to knock on heaven's door

Only forget the stigma

Because the only faith you need is in your Heart

Find yourself and be free

The world as we know it

Has fallen apart

So it can be redeemed

The label of which to be deemed

Is up to you

Lets not forget

The power of your


And the power that it can infuse

A reaction that flows through the land

Our Free Will

That we can consciously understand

Not one greater than the next

'less they have you hypnotized

Waiting to inject the lies

Which comes to a single point

To understand

It's up to you to see

It's in your hands



◄ Daisy Chains And Laughs

My Beautiful Daughter ►


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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Sun 27th Dec 2020 13:07

It's in your hands and in your head ?
At least I think that's what it said. ?

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