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Haiku Advent Calendar

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A series of Haiku's written on a daily basis in the form of an advent calendar, leading up tpo Christmas Eve. All relevant to the current situation on a daily basis.


1/12/20 First of December

Twenty four days to go 

Then it's Christmas Day 


2/12/20 Morning backoned

It was December second

Lockdown was over


3/12/20 The newspapers said 

There's a vaccine on the way 

In time for Christmas


4/12/20 December the fourth

How many days of Advent

Another twenty more


5/12/20 Yesterday we had

Snow, rain, today's clear but 

It's still bloody cold


6/12/20 Sixth of December 

Second Sunday of Advent

There’s two more to go


7/12/20 From the loft it came

Slowly it grew, the lights went on

Christmas tree looks nice


8/12/20 History being made

Vaccinations start today

Rolling out begins          


9/12/20 Headline news today

Who got the jab yesterday

The first of many


10/12/20 The year gets older

The weather gets much colder

Cold enough for snow


11/12/20 The need continues

We get it  where it’s needed

The giving can’t stop


12/12/20 Another weekend

Get what I need for today

Christmas shopping waits


13/12/20 Advent third Sunday

Long journey to Bethlehem

Still continuing


14/12/20 Yesterday it was

Gaudete Sunday, a time

To rejoice, rejoice


15/12/20 Another day dawns

End of pandemic distant

Christmas gets nearer


16/12/20 Morning rain like a

Veil of tears, is it for the

Coming holy birth


17/12/20 Our Advent journey

Getting shorter, from today

A week to Christmas


18/12/20 Day dawns rain again

Christmas nearer, another

Advent Haiku done


19/12/20 Advent continues

Still people in need of help

The giving can’t stop


20.12.20 Advent Fourth Sunday

Dedicated to Mary

Who will bear Jesus


21.12.20 Hampers to go out

So people won’ go with out

Some Christmas cheer


22.12.20 New strain of virus

And on our Advent journey

Britain stands alone


23.12.20 Day after Solstice

The day before Advent ends

Journey almost done


24.12.20 Christmas Eve, time to 

celebrate the holy birth 

Hope is born again 


◄ National Poetry Writing Month 2020

Trev’s hoped for (in vain) 2021 Tour: The Run Up Pt 1 Still In Lockdown ►


<Deleted User> (28781)

Sun 27th Dec 2020 11:44

This is amazingly well written. Just an original piece. Inspiring write.?

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