Ritual slaughter
Halal and Kosher
Ritual means of slaughter.
Sanctioned by religion.
Such savage butchery.
I swallow my frustration.
Stick a smile upon my face
Make a face to meet
The faces I meet
Pretend I'm neat and tidy
As we do. But not tolerant
Not of this unalloyed cruelty.
We are in a shocking state of blue-hypocrisy
If we let people do, as some people do..
Look in the slaughter house
All colours drain away, except red.
The presiding Imam or Rabbi fade into this unholyday.
I stagger away
Think I'll meet my match in the oncology
Ward. . But no, that is just a cellular malfunction
Not men with an armoury of knives and no pity. .
Inside appalled I am
That the world is so full of cruelty:
Beheading in a church doorway
An unholy trinity:
Three knives, a single scripture, unalloyed butchery
This world is a cold and frightening place bereft of love.
Aviva Rifka Bhandari
Mon 28th Dec 2020 21:09
Keith I answered something similar privately (without the living in the Middle East part of it)