The Ten Commandments, (check-list)
I- I am the LORD your God, you shall not have strange Gods before me.
(sun god, money god, sex god, ect.) FAIL.
II- You shall not take the name of the LORD, your God in vain.
(God damn it, this one is hard) FAIL
III- Remember to keep holy the LORD`S day.
(I will fix it right after work, on Sunday) FAIL
IV- Honor your Mother and Father.
(does one out of two count?) FAIL
V- You shall not kill.
(I would like to do that day over) FAIL
VI- You shall not commit adultery
(a married woman is so alluring) FAIL
VII- You shall not steal
(by the time I learned the commandments, it was to late) FAIL
VIII- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
(she is lying, it was him, not me, I swear) FAIL
IX- You shall not covet your neighbor`s wife.
(covet?? I do yearn to have her) FAIL
X- You shall not covet your neighbors goods.
(but he has such nice stuff) FAIL
If you did fine, get in the express line.
If you failed two or three, I can rehabilitate thee.
If you failed them all, be ready for a great big F
And the seven deadly sins??
Well, I just can`t win.
Pray for me, asks JD.
keith jeffries
Sat 9th Jan 2021 11:48
Most of us fall at one or more of these hurdles because of our human frailty and the innate need to put our selves first in this life. However, your poetic response is significant as it highlights the need for self examination. Then comes the crunch. What are we going to do about it????
An interesting poetic experiment which speaks to us all
Thank you for this