Jazz of soul
I thought to pick the color,
painting the sky and ocean,
with tales and scenery,
thoughts and dreams,
hope and happiness,
all the ups and downs.
Playing the music,
with symphony
of dreams and hopes,
laughter and giggles,
nodes going up and down,
while the soul kept singing and dancing,
on its own beats,
with no obligations or boundaries,
creating the jazz of arts and emotions
I picked the alphabet,
and started writing,
the painting of imagination,
with symphony of music,
words kept falling,
soul kept singing,
the melody of thoughts,
serene nature or pleasent weather,
or whatever the soul wanted,
laughter or tears,
tales or satire,
hands kept writing
poetry touching the souls,
and relieving the heart.
That's how I jazzed up,
with paintbrush, musical nodes
and pen,
the ambience with everything
soul had ever felt.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems