An ill Wind Blows
An ill Wind Blows
Across the face of the earth an ill wind blows
a wind which las lain dormant in time
A wind fermenting to reach fever pitch
with a power about to be unleashed
Its strength will be without restraint
as in its wake many will cry and shout
Unrest and conflict will break forth
setting one against another with a fury untold
Thunder and lightning will be its herald
a symphony to arouse and incite the masses
The unscrupulous will take their advantage
and chaos will gush forth upon the innocent
The ill wind has bided its time till now
amassing its strength to reek havoc
It will arrive with a majestic formidable strength
and leave as a lamb led out to graze in pasture
Then behold a landscape of destruction
upon which man will seriously ponder
Will lessons be learned in the aftermath
or do we curse the past to repeat the future
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Wed 20th Jan 2021 14:08
It's an ill wind that blows no good, Keith. When America sneezes, we catch cold.