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Ripples of fear soar

to form rogue waves.


Cells leak uncertainty.


Cue the short circuit.


The chaos gives cover 

to the cronies of Time.


So they coalesce 

to resurrect every 

fleeting thought of Death,

as they compose

their master's magnum opus:

a cheap pastiche

of a prince's 

"To be, or not to be"...


◄ It takes two to tango...

Principium ►


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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Wed 10th Feb 2021 18:21

My knowledge of mythology is sadly lacking, (I say sadly because as a child I was fascinated by the few stories I found but never did devote time or attention to explore it as much as I should have) but I find your poetry an enticing gateway and it keeps tempting me to look up all the references you make.

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