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At The Grave Of St Valentine

there's a point on the map when

doubts and desapir veer to meet

and idly parade nowhere down a

lonely slum of a one-way street


no compass charts this latitude

where time gross reality bends

for its a quarter of lifeless loss

the geography where love ends


I've drifted here so many times

its memories my endless bane

before me for I sense a reprise

I am sure I'm going there again


to a deep bog hydrated by tears

rife with dried sphagnum moss

thick-plated with stark debris of

betrayal, hate and other dross


stamp your feet and sink deeper

cries damped into misty echoes

her wayward perfume in the air

whatever gusts the wind blows


amid that morass she lingers on

what face and body yet me stain

touch and glance alike kiss this

banal irrigated hinterland again


no compass charts this latitude

where time gross reality bends

for its a quarter of lifeless loss,

the geography where love ends



◄ Love Bites

Broomstick Baby ►


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