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We are at peace
when we stop wanting
We are happy
when we accept ourselves

Maybe we went wrong
when we thought we should be trying
to achieve anything else.

No doubt
there are many people hurting
And we hear about
many people getting hurt

Maybe we went wrong
when we thought life had a purpose
to struggle for.

Or is it life
can't contain true peace and happiness
Or not unless
we mimic being dead

Knowing not
what's right or wrong
And without true direction
We carry on
Making our best guess.


meditationinner peacehappinessself-acceptancepurposepeace

◄ You Cannot Apply Makeup To Your Soul

I'm A Believer ►


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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Sun 28th Feb 2021 22:46

Thank you for your comment Stephen, this is definitely a good time for curiosity and learning new things, and I am one of those that does find it invigorating and strengthening to be involved in the process of learning something.

Thanks also Kevin for commenting, sometimes educated guesses can get it spectacularly wrong probably because it can lead to a sense of confidence and we can rush into huge mistakes that way - and science is guessing elevated to an art form.

Thanks also Your Royal Poetess for your comment. I also love this poem for those reasons but also because as well as being quite introspective there is a pervasive message from its title and through the use of 'we' throughout the poem that we have that much in common and are in it together.

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Your Royal Poetess

Sun 28th Feb 2021 22:09

Love this! In times like this it makes you grateful of things and reflect on yourself, self acceptance is key to happiness

Kevin T.S. Tan

Sun 28th Feb 2021 19:24

seems to be the dilemma of life. Everyone is making best guesses. at least we have science, which is an educated guess!

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 28th Feb 2021 16:39

Thanks, Aviva. I suppose that we have to remain curious and eager to learn.

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Sun 28th Feb 2021 13:00

Nigel thank you
That seems quite true
I guess we do.

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Nigel Astell

Sun 28th Feb 2021 02:38

Without a mess
we get away
with a guess.

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