The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.


I love the solitude

That lock-down has given me

No need for excuses

For being reclusive

For being solitary 

And keeping myself

To myself


The weeks ahead

Fill me with dread

When masks are removed

And life is improved

Normality restored

But not for me

I just want

To stay at home

To keep my distance

From people, and

The fear they

Instill in me

The pressure to talk

Of small things

Of nothing at all

The anxiety and stress

This brings to me

When all I want

Is to be left alone

To be by myself


Nicholas O’Farrell 2021

◄ Tegulars

Reinventions/Acceptance ►



Wed 3rd Mar 2021 19:55

I have to be honest and admit I was adopting a particular persona, but there is also an element within me that empathises with the sentiments of that persona. I should also add that I can't wait for warm days sitting outside a country pub, enjoying a pint or tw

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 2nd Mar 2021 14:10

A timely alternative to the views usually found on WOL.
There is comfort in doing one's own thing.

<Deleted User> (28781)

Mon 1st Mar 2021 16:03

The new normal is social distancing. Returning to old normal will take time. Introspective ?

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