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The Elephant Man

There once lived a man who became so disfigured,
A freak is how he was generally considered.
His name -Joseph Merrick or as The Elephant Man.
His life became awful as his problems began.

He was known a monster and was greatly mistreated;
With jeers and with taunts he must have been greeted,
But if there is another thing about him that's known,
He was well-read and clever and not entirely alone.

For he was helped by a doctor - Sir Frederick Treves;
And compassion is then what Mr. Merrick received.
Another thing which may have made amends,
In the theatre he seemed to find a few friends.

We must all now learn from this strange situation,
To not treat those who are different with such degradation.
So the world could be better rather than a calamity
If to those who are different you show some humanity.


Stuart VannerThe Elephant Man

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keith jeffries

Tue 23rd Mar 2021 11:38

This is a good poem and the last stanza really says it all. There but for the grace of God go we. Many are unfortunate in either their appearance or mental agility. They need all our love, attention and support. I once knew a young man who was downs syndrome. He was regarded as a lost cause by most until he developed a flair for cooking and baking. He was sent to a Catering College against advice but emerged with distinctions and credits along with best student of the year. As your poem concludes "show some humanity".
A good poem and thank you for it


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