There is a sense of silence within...
As the cacophony around continues...
I experienced a heartwrenching feeling...
And it got my brain reeling...
The fear of disconnect..
Because you haven't been able to connect...
Created a sense of vaccum...
Poured in all kinds of gloom...
What ifs took centre stage..
And my thoughts and feelings felt trapped in a cage...
Life is so fragile...
And fleeting procrastination so agile...
As I curled up and cried...
I let my anxieties dry..
I spoke to the bubble within...
Letting it burst and lay it writhing...
Then came a beep...
And a message with all that I seeked...
Daily life had taken over it said...
Plans decided were unlaid..
And in that moment came a profound realization..
The past six hours had just uprooted my mental civilization...
Love when deep and intense...
Breaks all emotional fence...
I realized I am in so deep..
With faith only can I take a leap...
I cried some more and wrote what I felt..
The experience leaving a small welt...
But sleep then drifted me of to much needed rest...
And I thanked the power within for putting me through this test...
It clears a fog in your mind..
Reminds you that your brain and heart are in a bind...
A power you hold in you to survive..
Let life go on and you will continue to strive...