Heartbreaks can be heard...
In the sobs muffled in your old pillow...
In the screams of reason...
In the accusations of what was not done...
In the sights of what could have been done...
In the silence of tears streaming down the cheeks..
In the redness of the eyes which haven't slept a wink...
In the words written to explain a standpoint...
In the snarl when the explanation is not what you agree with...
In the distance gaze where eyes look for the horizon but are empty of the feelings..
In the brimming drops guarded by the lashes which once spoke the unspoken...
Heartbreaks can be heard if you just look...
Nothing hurts more...nothings fails you more...nothing matters anymore...
Till time wraps you up in its arms...cradling away your pain...one second at a time...
And may be one day after zillion of seconds you agree to a glittery bandaid...a slight smile... a nickname you are dying to hear again... a hug which tells you all will be great once again...
Wait...for that one day... because love has it's own way of being heard...
Thu 1st Apr 2021 17:53
A well reasoned philosophical discourse Shrawani. How cruel we are as Homo Sapiens to other creatures who are not.
? P