at right angles to beauty,
geometry's not my friend,
full reservoirs of make-up
my proportions won't mend
other girls seem so pretty
my torso's a basket case
lobster nose, carrot hair,
mirrors crack at my face
I dream of drastic surgery
features lissom and new
Romeos on my doorstep
aftershaves in a queue
each day flushed torture
in a self-conscious snare
self-image lies bleeding, I
seek gremlins in my hair
but take my old aunt Bella
witch-like warts and huge,
never short of a a fella, she
swore by a dab of rouge
news about gorgeous Cass,
with the Betty Grable legs,
a car smash on the by-pass,
she's lost both of her pegs
at scarlet ward doors I halt,
glance at a cracked compact,
poor Cass sobs, sad lips red
as ever yet at least I'm intact