walking talking contradiction
Walking talking contradiction
Counter clockwise rhythm
has got you dancing to a different beat
your body and mind moves forward
while you heart and soul retreat
you talk small think big
while you dig your own grave
while trying to save others
brother slow down
you act like a superhero clown
while laughing crying and wearing a frown
people can’t tell whether your up or down
you go off on tangents that strangle
and tie you up from every angle
with string from God the puppet masters thread
you want to be alive when your dead
and to be dead when your alive
you strive to be perfect
but your imperfections make you human
your wishing to be made a new man
but your too old too young
life stings you and your stung
with every affliction
every restriction in your head
slow down
slow down
it can’t be all that bad
but that’s what happens when your mad!
clarissa mckone
Fri 21st Mar 2008 01:32
HI Daniel,
I really like this poem. I think most people are a bit mad, in one way or another.Some of the most sane, have been crazy at times. I know for some its a chemical imbalance. For others its a bad day/week/month/year.I know I have totally lost it at times,no imbalance, I guess I can blame hormones, mine were out of whack for years and IM sure some thought I was really crazy. Ha at times I think Im crazy, but its just life, the ups and downs of it all. My fav movie line "Life is like a roller coaster"I try very hard to be and stay positive, for self and others. Hope your well, TC Clarissa