Harry Potter
Harry Potter's adventures have been enjoyed,
He was a boy wizard who could not be destroyed.
There was a bad mage, known as Voldemort,
And it was Harry's death that he sought.
Harry survived and he was raised by muggles,
Who were cruel and harsh and cared not for his struggles.
But Harry entered a school where magic was taught.
It was a huge castle and it was called Hogwarts.
Ron and Hermione became Harry's best friends.
Then stayed loyal and true from beginning to end.
But there is a student whom we cannot dismiss,
He was Draco Malfoy - Harry's nemesis.
And the headmaster is someone we must not ignore,
He is good, kind and wise - Albus Dumbledore.
Then there is Harry's godfather - Sirius Black -
Sent to Askaban prison, but he found his way back.
All over the world Harry Potter delights.
It's popularity has reached such incredible heights.
So in books, at the movies or on the internet,
Harry Potter's a name that we shall never forget.
Stuart Vanner
Sat 15th May 2021 20:14
Harry Potter is very popular so I have written a poem about him and his world. I have, however, had to leave out a lot as there is so much in the books / films.