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White Striped Echo

"What's the blood from? And please tell the truth
You didn't have those stains before you left for school
You cover your scars but wear the stains with pride"
Would you believe me when I say it's how I feel alive.

Awkward in my own skin but comforted by my blood
I don't even like myself. How can I be someone you love?
Call me a sore loser when I didn't even ask to play
White striped reflections, just an echo of my shame

The safest way to love me is to stay the fuck away
I want to kill everything, beginning with my brain
I know it's hard when I don't really say very much
Wait for me to reply but I'm too far out of touch 


◄ Loudest in the Room.

I'm Only Physically Here. ►


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jennifer Malden

Sat 14th Aug 2021 16:18

Help! Decidedly alarming! Jennifer

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