The edge of the sea is the edge of the sand
The edge of the sky is the edge of the land
The edge of the stars is the edge of my hand
The edge of your breath is the edge where I stand.
Reaching up through the gaps
Fingers stretched until they snap
Feeling for the other side
Feeling out to catch the ride
Sweet sweet breath upon my lips
Give my senses wild wild trips
Your the girl with Angel eyes
Piercing souls through your disguise
Rescuing all that pass your way
Arms outstretched scoop up the strays
You hold them in and don’t let go
Your rainbow eyes all in glow
That capture edges feather thin
For men like me to revel in
To slip between the gaps of space
And time that measures frantic race
The Chessplayer
Sat 12th Jun 2021 02:21
That first stanza is gold