The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 15 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Wed, 2 Jun 2021 08:57 pm

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Newby Part time poet/mumbler of thoughts ,feelings emotions, of mine and others , sponge of the air , breather of the heart.


I’ve buried my Brother I’ve buried my Dad I’ve buried my Mother which I found very sad I’ve buried my uncle and buried my aunt Some thoughts you can bury and some thoughts you can’t Some thoughts make you happy Some thoughts make you sad And thinking a thought in itself is not bad But thought is reflection on things that are done Or thought for the future of what’s to become Thinking deep thought is good for the mind Thinking of others if what makes you kind Some people think like others that drink They can’t get enough of the cerebral kink Their minds overdriven with thought that is riven With fabulous things to mankind that are given. But my thought as I sit by myself by the tree, Is is am just here, insignificant me Alone with my thoughts that are just mine to keep. To make my laugh or to make me weep. They help me remember the times that are lost, In my memories depth and I now count the cost Of things that are done that are now set in stone. Of things that have happened that have left me alone But thought for the future is bright like a star With an unknown time to journey that far To reach the goal is a thought to hold true It’s reached by all but given to few.


These poems are just random thoughts that appear at the end of my hand and form themselves into a series of lines that then form some sort of space to dance in. Each poem takes only minutes to write and explodes on to the page like a blot of ink from a shaken pen, A random pattern from a random thought at a random moment I HOPE YOU ENJOY THEM thanks for reading edbreathe

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Edbreathe

Shards (03/12/2024)

Sabres (12/10/2024)

Heart (06/10/2024)

Heart (06/10/2024)

Cos moss (07/09/2024)

Myths (14/07/2024)

Sent (09/06/2024)

Cut Grass (25/05/2024)

May (19/05/2024)

3 (04/05/2024)

Read more entries by Edbreathe…

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Pete (edbreathe)

Wed 5th Jul 2023 10:34

It was just to thank you for liking the last one I wrote
You appreciation is always welcome.

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keith jeffries

Mon 3rd Jul 2023 23:07

Pete, I gather you sent me a message recently but I cannot find any trace of it. Could you please try again?

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