Finding Hope
As around Manchester I did mope,
I was handed a leaflet which brought me hope.
My mountain bike was stollen in Padiham last July,
Securely chained up in Tesco,I did cry.
A claude butler cape wrath in black,
Please God help me get it back.
How precious oh Lord is your love,
Please help me find it from above.
I find protection under the shadow of your wings,
Joy to my heart,hopefully ,my bike's return brings.
You are my shelter and strength in the sky,
To find my bike I know You will try.
My hope is in You all day long,
A plea to the thief,return the bike to whom it does belong.
Oh Lord Bring back my bike so that I can cycle and cope,
Your always there for me and bring me hope.
You free me from anguish and care for me,
I've found deep hope in my belief in thee.
M.C. Newberry
Mon 9th Aug 2021 15:17
Hope and despair tend to come in cycles! ?