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Size Six

don't hide from gleams of wings

or shudder at the vision of veils,

fitful as glances days leak away

against woe a churchyard pales


there's a woman lives next door

Sadie claims she's from Berlin

in her dustbin I found a badge

a Nazi emblem with a gold pin


she seems to live at a low ebb

one not noted for her candour

says her daughter got adopted

I listen, though I never pander


at night wailing assails the walls

her clients grovel amid the dark

imagination merely offers signs

stern jaw-bone, calves so stark


some of them love it, the power

bondage mags in the bin I read

drapes drawn for they suppress

scented jackboots unholy tread


I'd kill to enjoy her full regalia

at the shop demure she looks,

no hallmark of the dominatrix;

why can't I be on her books?







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jennifer Malden

Sat 14th Aug 2021 15:47

Liked this one, but agree with Leon, can't see how the first verse fits in with the dominatrix.? Good read as always.

<Deleted User> (30611)

Sat 14th Aug 2021 14:57

Love it Simon, but can't see how verse 1 fits with the rest.

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