A much needed Dylan Thomas/DIY/Shakespeare fusion poem and celebrating a little mishap which befell me at my daughter's house.
I should go gentle into that stud wall
For fear of piercing cable or a pipe
Else certes much skunk shite may me befall.
A wiser man might prod with a bradawl
At DIY, though, I am dud arsewipe
If only I’d drilled gentle through that wall.
Forsooth me found a swiving waterfall
Which made me utter bons mots such as “Cripes!”
As skunk shite upon skunk shite did befall.
It came to pass I made a hasty call
To plumbers of a cocky archetype
Who said I should drill gentle through stud walls.
And so the fucking pompous know-it-all
Then tret me as one would a guttersnipe
As monetary skunk shite did befall.
Though he’s no better than Neanderthal
His bank balance will now be plump and ripe;
I shall go gentle into my stud wall
In future else more skunk shite should befall.
John Coopey
Tue 31st Aug 2021 11:33
That was God’s fault, Kevin, not mine.