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September 2021 Collage Poem: Hope Resurfaces

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In the coffee Kingdom of Costa the one eyed poet is Laureate.


This side of heaven armed with only a steak pie

Whispers around the world as sunset melts into twilight


14 cows gifted to 5th Avenue

The darkness-loving mermaid rises from the surface, knows

It’s time to rise to the light


Out of beef, smoke rings circle the world

Orange flesh licked by thirsty acolytes, weeping wounds sucked dry

Gaia surfaces, sees her slashed swimsuit and Donald

Fishing from his blow up dollar.


Psychic automatism after rains and startled crows with hangnail dreams

Bosch nailed the boredom of his life into the filing cabinet.


The Gods of Zoom smile on us on this balmy Indian Summer's Eve

The darkness-loving mermaid rises from the surface, knows

It’s time to REACH the light.



Hope Resurfaces

◄ August 2021 Collage Poem Reversed: Drowning in Time

October 2021 Collage Poem: This Side of Heaven ►


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Nigel Astell

Sat 11th Sep 2021 02:09

Poetic clues are left
portrayed for us to guess
a kind of heaven sense.

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Stephen Atkinson

Fri 10th Sep 2021 12:51

Coffee, beef and a human orange, what's not to like!

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