When did you last see reports about the effects of the sun?
Ot its proclivity for uncontrollable activity (so far I've seen none!);
When did you last see reports about far-off solar flares
That might impart knowledge about closer climate cares?
When did you last see reports about the existence of sun spots -
Far away formidable influences that tend to transmit lots
Of violent upheaval to our spinning dot in space
And see its meterological events move from place to place?
There seems to be a silence that's somehow far from sunny
So - let's look out (and up!) while keeping a careful eye on the money.
We find ourselves lectured repeatedly about the appliance of science -
Note: But science seeks its funding and convenient compliance!
M.C. Newberry
Fri 15th Oct 2021 16:30
Thank you for the comment, Brian.
Indeed, I will add to my previous donations to WOL if anyone can
cite ANY instance of my DENIAL of the effects of human activity
on the climate. My position has always been to question the
LEVEL of the effects and the relevance of equally important
influences - the sun, giver of all earthly life, being the obvious example - in rational reasoned debate.