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fading reality

Reality is questionable,

Probabilities of success are like a needle in a sack of nails,

It takes a breath to fail, but why is progress difficult?

Definitions and laws dictate this realm.

Flaws we never talked about yet we keep faking it,

“Ask you shall be answered”, ironically it has been silent.

Talk about how to fix this, fix that, how about break that and wreck this?.

Fail this, fail that. Accountability clings to our tails.

Everything feels fake, memories fade out of reach,

The closest memories teach us valuable lessons, mine are from pain always.

It's like gambling in some story, chances are court trials.

Memory rails are derailing my train of thought, it feels like rain on a sunny day.

 Since Sunday, days feel like I blinked them away.

I hope this is not the end, watching my life flash before my eyes.



◄ chasing

lost ►


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