My Heart Crave
I've had one relationship in my life, many many years ago, that made me feel so safe and so loved
And that's the one that broke me for all of the rest
Maybe we seek out that feeling of that really real connection we made, or that we thought we made, for the rest of our lives until it's found or not found
I think I'm a secret Romantic
Unable to let myself go
For all the times I did, I was slapped to turn the other cheek and be told no
Deep in my mind I've decided that they always go
And I've shown all there is to show
I crave to shut my mouth and just be
I crave to let someone who loves me just take over me
But I lay cold to the touch and alone in a wrapping of blankets and nobody knows and nobody cares about what my heart craves
Males look past my eyes and line me up with all of the other choices so easy to swipe through
If I show nothing to you - but my heart - there will always be a girl who will show you everything she's got
And the ones like me will just be forgot
I stand with my hands tied in a knot too beat down to even raise my head because a lot of people who have touched my soul over the years have made me feel dead
Fall is coming in soon and my craving to nest down into someone protective and warm will grow greater but there's no one who gives a damn about my heart crave
There is no one who would take the time to look into my eyes and learn me
You would just pretend and then you'd burn me
I am a secret Romantic no matter how strong I try to be
I wish someone would just listen to me.