No foot marks in the sand
To mark my passage.
No disturbance in the air.
I cry and grieve and cherish
My face immobile, as I stare
Out at stormy autumn.
O! living through November
Demands a certain flair.
Foggy bafflements afflict me, everywhere,
Pea-soupers some might say,
As I gaze beyond the moon
I swoon into another dismal November day.
John Marks
Sun 31st Oct 2021 16:34
Hi Jennifer. Yes, you are correct in your seasonal surmise. SAD. Spent Setember in Florence once upon a time. So much more light. Here in the North of England it is 04.32pm and nearly dark. I take succor in the fact that we are all subject to "l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle" Duarante degli Alighier.
All good wishes