Blooming cherry blossom,
on the shore of river Nile,
was spread with pink glory,
trying to hold till extra mile.
These connections are the one,
which makes it feel alive,
in the absence of which,
its existence is like beehive.
Realization came at fall,
when flowers started to shed,
and every petal loss,
was slowly making it dead.
Both ends were trying,
to remain cheek by jowl,
but despite hard efforts,
there was emptiness in the bowl.
So cherish the breathing moment,
flowers, connections and existence,
as this magic will disappear soon,
let's make it worth, to adore from the distance.
M.C. Newberry
Tue 9th Nov 2021 15:12
The cycle of life caught in these lines about the passing beauty
of riverside flowers. Worth our time whether "from the distance"
or up close in more personal experience. The English poet
Laurence Binyon wrote one of my favourite poems "The Burning
of The Leaves" - one which I'm sure you might enjoy. It can be
found easily online.