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The Resident Poltergeist

There is a resident poltergeist, that lives within these walls, 

    I have never seen them, but I've heard their many falls

The posters that suddenly fall from the door,

    the hairbrush that somehow ends up on the floor.

The sock that goes missing without a trace,

    the eyeshadow you were going to put on your face.

I don't why they do it, are they angry or barking mad?

    Are they running from their mother? Or are they just sad?

I cannot make a comment on the poltergeists state of mind,

    but I can say their acts of mischief are never truly unkind.

They bring about humour and pleasure, a chuckle in need,

    It is our family's laughter that is fed by their misdeeds.

There is a resident poltergeist that lives within my house.

    I don't know how long they'll stay, but I'll never kick them out.


Sophie J Pugsley

November 2021


◄ Daydream


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Candice Reineke

Sat 13th Nov 2021 17:28

Yes! And the socks who have "run from their mothers"...where do they sleep at night?

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keith jeffries

Thu 11th Nov 2021 00:20

A very humourous poem which is well written and speaks of mischief.

Thanks for this

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