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the poor boy that had no Christmas

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the poor boy that had no Christmas


a young boy lived in the country

looked forward to Christmas

a special time when a tree was cut

and strings of popcorn were hung


the family had little money

but the boy always received

at least a present or two

from Santa Clause when he

and his reindeers flew by on

Christmas Eve


the young boy’s best friend

lived down the dirt road

over the hill in a cottage hidden

back in the woods off the road.


the boy’s name was Freddy

his family was even poorer

they had no Christmas

they did not even cut a tree

to decorate


one day he asked Freddy why

his family did not have a tree

Freddy looked down at the ground

and said


my house is so well hidden from the road

that Santa does not know where I live

so there is no reason to put up a tree


this troubled the boy and he

talked to his Mama and Daddy


Mama asked if he would like to

give one or two of his little cars

to Freddy for Christmas, without

Freddy knowing they were from him


yes, said the boy.

how could we do that?


Mama said he could wrap up

two little cars and leave them beside

their tree with a note to Santa that said


these presents are for Freddy

who lives just over the hill

in a small cottage hidden

back in the woods

please deliver them to him tonight


the boy ran outside and

cut a very small tree and put it

by the presents and ask Santa to

take it along too.


when they finished

wrapping the two little cars

he left two homemade cookies

for Santa and a small scoop of

grain for the reindeer


the boy went to bed

knowing that Santa

would do this for Freddy.

he soon fell asleep waiting

to hear Santa’s sleigh bells


Daddy secretly took the

tree and presents and

in the darkness

walked down the road

and over the hill and turned in the

lane to Freddy’s cottage

the oil lamps were not burning

nothing was stirring


Daddy slipped upon the porch

and quietly placed the tree by the

doorpost with the two presents

then slipped away


the next morning Freddy excitedly

ran to the boy’s house

burst through door

rushed in and shouted


Santa finally found my house

and he even brought a tree


I am the happiest boy alive

he brought me two cars

just like yours.


the boy was delighted that

Santa had remembered


now Freddy too believed

there really was a Santa Clause

and that Santa had

found his well-hidden cottage


santapoor boygifts

◄ the tattered old man on Christmas Eve

windmills ►


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clyde McCulley

Sat 18th Dec 2021 15:18

You are so correct, M.C.
I could hardly sleep on Christmas Eve, it was so magical.
I am glad the poem made this impact on you. Merry Christmas!

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 17th Dec 2021 23:33

Ah...the power of childhood dreams and expectations. I was
transported back down the decades to my own childhood and
the excitement of waking on Christmas morning (having hardly
slept!) to see what Santa had left at the end of my bed.. Those dreams and expectations never quite go away, do they? 🎄

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