82. Poem
There're times in mind when nothing moves
There're no train of thoughts cruising through
A sudden stillness is all that stays within confines
Speaking nothing, Breathing no voices inside
It's pure bliss to hold the reigns tightly in your grip
Letting not loose the horses, nor using any whip
Taming the wildness growing inside the crevices
Dexteriously holding every chain of voice growing
Releasing and Letting go only when you wish
Be the master and not an obedient slave
Of every word that plays unharmonious rhythm
Beat the drum and let the music soften
Helping yourself to taking hold of every thought within
Let the chamber of kindness be the master of your wing
Let the thinking be an art of an expert progression
Having Each whisper skillfully dissolving
Into the oceans of incessant streams of clear thoughts
Then pen them down and store it forever
Visualising the darkest glory that now shines
Chiseling harmoniously every emotion and feeling
Becoming a dialogue delivered for every listener
A painting before the admirers
Portraying what you have valiantly explored
At your beck and call Let these thoughts find a mould
Pouring out every word into the empty vessels
Quenching the souls thirst to know everything